Welcoming Incoming President Langford and His Board of Directors
Jun 27, 2024 5:30 PM
The Annual Board Installation Dinner, 2024 -2025
Welcoming Incoming President Langford and His Board of Directors

Our longtime Fellow Rotarian, Roxanne Sheridan-Purcell, has kindly offered to host this year's event at her and Gil's residence up there at 33 Miller Avenue, Sausalito, aka The Pines.

We will not only welcome Mike's incoming Board of Directors, but to applaud our outgoing President Woody and his Board of Directors.

The cost is $55.00 per person.

Carpooling, taking Uber is specifically and highly recommended, due to its location up in 'The Hills', i.e., the streets do not have any parking spaces whatsoever.

Pastor Chip, Christ Episcopal Church, has offered our usage of its very small parking lot at their Chapman Hall on Santa Rosa Avenue, then there's a short walk up to 33 Miller Avenue. 

Please join this celebration and to RSVP to Kim Huff by June 23rd. 

Thank you.