Israel and Hamas
Feb 06, 2025
Dick Spotswood and Jeff Saperstein
Israel and Hamas

Dick Spotswood is the politics and government columnist for the Marin Independent Journal. He is the senior political correspondent for KRCB-Television (PBS, Channel 22 in Rohnert Park).

Spotswood is a former council member (1980–1992) and three-term Mayor of the City of Mill Valley. He served for ten years (1982–1992) as a Director of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation District representing Marin’s eleven cities and towns. In 1992–1993 he served as chair of the Doyle Drive Commission and previously served on the 101 Corridor Committee.

Dick Spotswood is the former president of the Rotary Club of Mill Valley, Mountain Play Association, Marin Forum and College of Marin Foundation. In the political spectrum, Spotswood is a registered independent and he has been described as a "militant centrist" which is the name of his blog on

Jeff Saperstein is an author, teacher, consultant, and enabler in how technology can be used to create growth in regional economic development and success for organizations. He has worked with governments, corporations, and NGO's .

Co-founder with Hunter Hastings of Group CVC – signifying Co-creating Value with Customers – is a consulting company that applies the Service Thinking Framework to the discovery of new service innovation opportunities for clients

Jeff has co-authored eight books and three business case studies focused upon best practices for innovation.